A documentary on the life and work of Margaret Cook, produced by Les Sentiers de Gore, premiered in the press in November 2020. See the report produced by Télévision communautaire Argenteuil. Read the press clippings.
The final version of the documentary premiered on May 27 2021 and will be screened in the summer of 2021 in various locations throughout the region.
To give you the taste, we will present it on this site sporadically.
Just click on the photo below to know the presentation schedule for 2021
The final version of the documentary premiered on May 27 2021 and will be screened in the summer of 2021 in various locations throughout the region.
To give you the taste, we will present it on this site sporadically.
Just click on the photo below to know the presentation schedule for 2021
The Sir John Brewery took advantage of the 2020 press conference to unveil its new beer «Land Possessed» which pays tribute to the novel of the same name written by Margaret Cook. The image on the can is a reproduction of a painting by Goroise artist Monique Laramée entitled «Le Triomphe de la nature». It is a scene of ruins of a pioneer house of the 6th rank of Gore.