October 20 - Museal and archeological day and Bluegrass/Celtic show
What a beautiful day that of October 20th, 2018 when we were urged to perfect our knowledge of the history.
Thanks to our speakers who knew how to share their knowledge unpretentiously: Roland Tremblay (Ethnoscop), Sylvie Constantin, Sylvain Généreux (Guard of the archaeological Heritage of the hautes-Laurentides), Jean-Louis Courteau (Director of the CIEL) and Richard Lahaie (film-maker) And who of better than to have ended this day with this concert of Honeymead Brewers with the furious rhythm of Celtic music and bluegrass.
See you next year for those who participated and sorry for those who missed this event, but they are told: it will be for another time.
Plonger dans l'histoire (2015):
L'histoire de la Studebaker (2016):
Médor et les loups (2017):
And here what had to say the regional Press
Thanks to our sponsors: the municipality of the Canton of Gore, The MRC of Argenteuil, the regional Museum of Argenteuil and the Brewers de MonteBello and of course in all those who answered presents.
is neither a URL nor a relative path to an existing file or folder.August 19 - Chore in the Sentiers des Pionniers
A small group of very enthusiastic people put himself ready to get down to work in the Red section of the Paths of the Pioneers to perfect certain rather swampy passages.
Many thanks to our volonteers...
is neither a URL nor a relative path to an existing file or folder.July 7 - Initiation to the use of compass and GPS
A dozen of people were present for the activity. Many thanks to Geneviève Dubuc, responsable for environnement et Développement durable at the municipality du Canton de Gore for her time and energy.
May 26, Birds watching night
A dozen people participated in the ornithological evening. They were able to listen to some owls and to a big duke, to thrushes of wood, parilines.
Mother Nature had not spoiled us during the day, but the evening was magnificent.
Thanks to Martin Picard of ornithological Development of Argenteuil for his enthusiasm and his love of birds. Hoping seeing you soon...
May 12th, Denommé Park
This day of May 12th saw the paths of the Denommé Park begun to be transformed.
Thanks to all the volunteers who dedicated their morning for the trails development.
Some had even come from Brownsburg-Chatam to put the shoulder to the wheel.
That certain moved small pebbles of 200 lbs
is neither a URL nor a relative path to an existing file or folder.Go for March
About twenty people joined on magnificent day, after a fall of providential snow, to go to raquetter in the paths of the Lake Beattie for the 4th edition of the hike " Forward, in March! ".
We passed in front of the sites of two pioneers' houses: that of the family Beattie and that of the family Lyster. We then penetrated into a magnificent forest of broad-leaved trees. After a little more than one hour of snowshoewing, we returned in front of the dam built by the city of Lachute at the beginning of the 60s. As you can see, the level of the lake is to its lowest since the construction of the dam.
Most of the pictures had been taken by Martine Jodoin from Jumana Boards Inc.
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Friday, February 2d 2018
A few intrepids persons joined us by a -20 C evening for a snowshoewing walk. The stars were there but the moon showed up a bit too late